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                                These really are life changing products and at such a low cost they are affordable for everyone

STOP...and take a second to consider that your time is the most precious commodity you have.   So don't waste another minute and learn how to "Master Your Time".

Get organised now with Randy's Time Management Self Hypnosis Recording.

$7.95 Return to MindPower Recordings

Randy Charach, a Certified Hypnotist and Practitioner of neurolinguistic programming (NLP)

Randy’s self hypnosis recordings have been helping people around the world for over 20 years with a wide range of recordings.

As an authorised reseller I can offer you these recordings at very reasonable prices so check out the titles below.

Are you always rushing...but getting nowhere?

Does the day seem to overtake you?

Are there not enough hours in the day?

This ‘Self Hypnosis’ program is designed to retrain your mind to manage the hectic modern lifestyle we all lead and to how best use the precious commodity that is "time". Follow Randy’s PROVEN program for 30 days to discover the many benefits of good time management.

Manage Your Time