Hypnosis Recordings

                                These really are life changing products and at such a low cost they are affordable for everyone

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Randy Charach, a Certified Hypnotist and Practitioner of neurolinguistic programming (NLP)

Randy’s self hypnosis recordings have been helping people around the world for over 20 years with a wide range of recordings.

As an authorised reseller I can offer you these recordings at very reasonable prices so check out the titles below.

   Psychic Connection

Find out just how much psychic power you actually possess.

The Psychic Connection self hypnosis program is “laser targeted” to develop and use your hidden psychic skills.

Have you ever felt like there’s something more to you?

Do you seem to have a way of knowing what people are thinking?

Are you sometimes able to sense when something bad is about to happen?

Psychic abilities can be a mysterious, exciting and wonderful experience for many people. But, if you’re reading this, you probably already know that there’s something about you that makes you feel more connected to your intuition than the average person. This is because having psychic abilities is natural and something most people possess to some extent.

When people think of someone who is psychic, they often imagine a person who can see into the future, while this is definitely one type of psychic ability, it’s not the only one. In fact, there are many different types of psychic abilities, and not all of them involve seeing into the future.

This recording helps you discover and develop your psychic abilities and lead you along a path to spiritual enlightenment.